The Bad Guys

January 23, 1907

The article I decided to write my blog post on was about Russian Terrorism in Alexandria. I found this article on page 3 of the Tuesday edition of January 23, 1907. I chose this article because of how interesting the topic was.

The article talks about how the Russian Consulate in Alexandria had reason to believe that three individuals were contemplating undergoing the task of causing harm to public security. The article explains that these three terrorists had sympathy towards the Russian revolutionary parties causing them to want to strike terror into the autocracy. The terrorists were caught due to the police receiving a warning and keeping a close eye on the small group of menacing men. The men had begun to purchase metals and chemical products that were normally used by private manufacturing companies in order to make high explosives. These suspicions were confirmed when the Captain of a Russian Steamer received a letter from the leader of the terrorist group asking the captain for 5,000 roubles to the boatswain of his vessel to be paid to the Russian Revolutionary Society of Alexandria, and if he failed to do so he would be killed and his ship destroyed. This lead to the three men being arrested and a search by the police found incriminating documents and materials for explosives. Their plan was to put the explosives in the engines of the Russian steamer. These explosives had a two-hour timer set to explode once the steamer had left port. This article was interesting because it shows how Alexandria was affected from the outside world other than just interference from England.


Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones

The author, a student at Florida State University, was enrolled in the digital microhistory lab in spring 2018.