
On June 18th, 1907, Tuesday’s issue of the Egyptian Gazette was released to the public. In this issue of the newspaper, on the fourth page, under the section labeled “Letter to the Editor,” a person wrote to the editor about his / her referring to Canis Major’s recent letter. The letter written by Canis Major is posted in the newspaper above the Letter to the Editor – Police Dog Service. Canis Major’s letter discussed the treatment of dogs when getting closer to death. Major stated that “[he] thinks that the matter should be looked into, and something should be done, to make the life of [the] dogs, during the time they wait for death, less painful for them.” In response to Canis Major’s letter, a “Lover of Animals” commented how a friend of theirs dog suffered from a disease “contracted in the black hole of Boulac.” The animal suffered through death, and the person who responded to Canis Major’s letter wanted to make a statement agreeing with him, that dogs should be treated better in their last days and minutes. Having this section, “Letters to the Editor,” allows the public to develop their thoughts and issues about society to the newspaper. This gives them a chance to speak up. Even though, the newspaper most likely cannot put in submissions that will cause a riot, they still put in some that have a small amount of concern from the people which keeps everything well balanced.
After doing another search about dogs, not animals, there were only a few articles that came up about the cruelty in their treatment. While there are other blog posts about different animals and dogs, I saw no record of any with an emphasis on the treatment of dogs during their dying stages. Regarding the SPCA, I ran multiple xpath query’s and all were returned with no results.