Serial question instructions

Your final project is to consider a theme or question that recurs across many issues of the Egyptian Gazette

Part of your work is to compose a serial question that makes sense and can be answered by the dataset. Explain this question (supplying, for instance, the xpath formula you will use), and explain how you extract the results. For guidance on queries, consult the tutorial.

To consult previous serial analysis projects, see this directory.

How do I submit material?

Fork the analysis repository, add your analysis and images, and send a pull request. Do this at least twice: once you’ve finished your question, and a second time once you’ve written your analysis. It is fine to do it more often too, sending partial material or drafts. I will make comments, and you can revise them.

Make sure that every file name starts with your name (so that we don’t get confused by a whole bunch of graph.jpg files), and that you have no spaces in your file names–use dashes instead.

How do I format my serial analysis?

Write it in markdown.

Use a header:

layout: page
title: <!--- insert title --->
permalink: /analysis/2018/yourname-analysis
author: YourName

Name it

What about images?

Please produce data visualization(s) to accompany your analysis.

You may use a variety of tools:

How do I show these visualizations in my markdown page?

The easiest thing to do is to take a screenshot and include the static image using markdown’s code: ![image title](image-file-name.png).

If, however, you have produced an interactive visualization using Tableau or Google Charts, you need to do two things to embed data visualizations in your markdown github pages.

  1. Host the visualization:
    • For Tableau, you will need to upload your workbook to Tableau Public’s server. Use the “server” drop down menu and follow instructions. You will need to sign up for an online account, and you might have to save your dataset.
    • For Google Charts, perhaps the easiest thing to do is to post your code as a gist, then render it using a link from rawgit.
  2. Embed the visualization:
    • For Tableau, a complete version of embedding instructions is included in this excellent tutorial. Briefly, you need to click the share icon at the bottom right hand side of your web-hosted visualization. Take the link that it offers and paste it into this code:

<iframe src="" align="center" width="90%" height="500"></iframe>

(For the YOURURLHERE part, include everything to the right of views/ and to the left of the question mark. Your line should look something like this: <iframe src="" align="center" width="90%" height="500"></iframe>.) Paste this code into your markdown file.

  • For Google Charts, place this bit of code in a markdown file, and your visualization should appear: <iframe src="your-rawgit-link" width="90%" height="400"/>